Getting it done

There are three times a year when I like to check in, reset if I need to and set goals to move forward. Those times are

  1. The New Year
  2. The New Financial Year and
  3. My Birthday. For me, August is my final run of the year, so I like to ensure that if I have not been on track so far and hitting the milestones that are important to me, I still have four months to get busy and get my life working in the direction I value.

The Eight Steps to hit any goal stem from the best-seller “Think and Grow Rich”; I strongly recommend grabbing a copy if you don’t have this book.

First step: Look back over the last six months and ask yourself

  • What do I need to stop doing?
  • What do I need to start doing?
  • What do I need to keep doing?

Second step: What is it you want? Be specific!

Third step: Make a call on what you need to give up to achieve your goal.

Fourth step:

  1. Be specific with a deadline for giving up what you need to achieve your goal.
  2. Remember, a goal without a deadline is just a dream.
  3. If you want the goal to be a reality, set tight timeframes.

Fifth step: Create a plan of how to achieve the goal and start it immediately.

Sixth step: Create your mission statement of your goal. A mission statement comprises approximately five sentences summarising your 1-5 actions.

Seventh step: Take this statement and read it out loud to yourself morning and night. Please put it in a prominent position on the RHS of your office desk or bathroom mirror so it is in your face multiple times during the day.

Eighth step: Finally, ask yourself how you can make it easier to stay on track to achieve the goal.
