Do not feed the fears

When you′re at the zoo, you′re told not to feed the animals. When you live in the spiritual zoo we call life, we say, “Do not feed the fears.” The fears will eat you alive and prevent you from moving forward faster than any lion ever will.

Your fears are the wild animals of life that will prevent you from growing. So, don′t feed your fears, even when there is a lot of change, confusion, delays, and havoc in your life. Do not nurture those fears any more than you would feed the lion at the zoo. The lion at the zoo is kept far from you. It is caged up because it is a wild animal.

Fear is a stumbling block.

Sometimes simply knowing there is the potential that something can go wrong can be scary. We spend precious time worrying about what could or might happen. We live in fear. Worrying about those things is a big waste of time and a stumbling block to success in your life.

Instead of coming from a place of stress and fear, look ahead at the path before you after you have removed all of the stumbling blocks of fear and marvel at that. Yes, there are some pits in the road. There are some peaks and valleys. There may even be a rock that you stumble over from time to time. Sometimes, there is a hole you fall in, but you always somehow get back out of that hole, don’t you?

Yes, you do! It′s essential to remember that every path you take in life is a journey. If you think back over every time you have stumbled, made mistakes, or made a wrong choice, you probably have a great story about overcoming it.

If you have the right mindset, you can go into a situation with an open mind and prevent fear from blinding your judgment and holding you back from taking risks and building a great life for yourself. No one ever achieved great things if they didn′t take some risks and step outside of their comfort zone.
